
2019年2月19日—ThedifferenceisthatRogermeansreceivedandunderstood,Copymeansreceivedandunderstoodandwillbeactedon.,2012年4月3日—Thisissuchafunexpression!Rogerthatandcopythathavethesamemeaning.TheygenerallymeanIunderstandwhatyoujustconveyed ...,2024年3月28日—“Rogerthat”signifiesnotjustthereceiptbutalsotheintenttoactonthemessage,unlike“Copythat”,whichsolelyconfirmsthatamessage ...,沒有這個頁面的資...

What is the difference between and origin of “Roger that” ...

2019年2月19日 — The difference is that Roger means received and understood, Copy means received and understood and will be acted on.

"Roger that" I have heard "copy that" and "roger that" so ...

2012年4月3日 — This is such a fun expression! Roger that and copy that have the same meaning. They generally mean I understand what you just conveyed ...

'Copy That' or 'Roger That'

2024年3月28日 — “Roger that” signifies not just the receipt but also the intent to act on the message, unlike “Copy that”, which solely confirms that a message ...



I have heard "copy that" and "roger that" so many times in ...

Both copy that and roger that are phrases used in radio communications to acknowledge that a message has been received and understood.

copy that和roger that有什么不同?

Copy that 更突出了会照对方做的意思.. 而Roger that 主要就是收到了的意思. 还有Got it 等...

Copy That' Vs 'Roger That'

'Copy That' is used to acknowledge receipt of information. It confirms that a message has been received but doesn't necessarily imply action. On the other hand, ...

What is the difference between 'copy (that)' and 'Roger ...

Copy that is used to acknowledge information while no need to act while roger that is used to acknowledge some information/instruction after which acknowledgee ...

“Copy That” or “Roger That” (What's the Difference?)

2023年9月7日 — In modern conversations, “Roger” and “Copy” have become interchangeable, typically conveying a sense of agreement, understanding, or compliance.